Timeline of the WordPress Drama

Over the past few weeks the WordPress community has gone through some corporate drama, starting with extortion-like messages and slander, escalating to cease and deists letters, and finally ending in a lawsuit. As I’ve closely followed the unraveling, I want to document a more detailed timeline and update it, as more data comes in. I try to keep my personal views and comments at the end of the article, but it’s clear that there will be some bias in the reporting.

tl;dr After Matt Mullenweg, BDFL of WordPress and CEO of Automattic, has dragged WP Engine publicly through the mud for not paying a ludicrous amount of money or contributing (enough) to the open source project, WP Engine is suing Automattic and Matt Mullenweg, while Automattic claims misuse of WordPress trademarks.

WP Engine



A very brief overview of the different stakeholders in this whole drama, as to reduce confusion later on and because it is a bit tricky. I hope to expand this a bit more at a later point.

  • WordPress.org
    • Home of the open source software WordPress and the plugin and theme repositories
    • Owned by Matt Mullenweg
    • Operated by Matt Mullenweg & Automattic
  • WordPress.com
    • WordPress hosting company
    • Owned & operated by Automattic
  • WordPress Foundation
    • Non-profit foundation to be the holder of the WordPress trademark
    • Board members include Matt Mullenweg
  • Automattic
    • CEO: Matt Mullenweg
    • Former investor of WP Engine
  • WP Engine
    • WordPress hosting company
    • CEO: Heather Brunner
  • Silver Lake
    • Private Equity company
    • Majority shareholder of WP Engine
  • BlackRock
    • Asset management company
    • One of the investors of Automattic



Automattic is founded. (Source: Wikipedia)


WP Engine is founded. (Source: WP Engine)


Automattic makes a substantial investment into WP Engine. (Sources: TechCrunch / WP Tavern)


Private equity company Silver Lake invests $250 millions into WP Engine. (Source: Bloomberg)

Automattic stops being an investor of WP Engine. (Source: Hacker News)

July 12, 2024

The WordPress Foundation applies to be granted the trademarks “Managed WordPress” and “Hosted WordPress”. (Source: Project DMC)

September 20, 2024

Matt Mullenweg sends extortion-like messages shortly before his talk, mentioning to go “scorched earth nuclear” if the demands are not met. (Source: WP Engine)

Matt Mullenweg gives a talk at WordComp US with strong words against WP Engine and Silver Lake. (Source: YouTube)

September 21, 2024

Matt Mullenweg posts the article “WP Engine is not WordPress” on WordPress.org, which is shown on every WordPress installation (including WP Engine’s), given the News widget in the admin dashboard is enabled. In the article Matt calls WP Engine “a cancer to WordPress”. (Source: WordPress)

September 22, 2024

Rodrigo Ghedin writes “Matt Mullenweg needs to step down from WordPress.org leadership ASAP”. (Source: Ghedin)

September 23, 2024

WP Engine sends a Cease and Desists letter to Automattic, to stop “false, misleading and disparaging statements”. (Source: WP Engine)

Automattic replies with their own Cease and Desists letter to WP Engine, to “immediately stop all unauthorized use of their trademarks”. (Source: Automattic)

September 24, 2024

The WordPress trademark policy is updated and explicitly mentions “WP Engine” as a negative example. (Source: Old, New, Diff)

September 25, 2024

WordPress.org actively blocks WP Engine from accessing the WordPress.org resources, including critical security updates of WordPress itself, plugins and themes. (Source: WordPress / WP Engine)

Additionally WP Engine employee accounts are disabled, which prevents updates to WP Engine’s plugins such as ACF. (Source: ACF / Twitter)

Dave Martin, former product designer at Automattic, writes “My thoughts on Matt’s Comments”. (Source: Dave Martin)

Pressable, a company purchased by Automattic, uses the situation to scoop WP Engine customers. (Source: Twitter / Pressable)

September 26, 2024

ThePrimagen (aka Prime) holds a spontaneous live interview with Matt Mullenweg. (Source: YouTube)

Ryan McCue writes “WP Engine Must Win”. (Source: Pre-Thought Listen)

September 27, 2024

WordPress temporarily lifts the WordPress.org ban for WP Engine under threat of enforcing the blockage again on the 1st of October. (Source: WordPress / Hacker News)

Josh Collinsworth writes “If WordPress is to survive, Matt Mullenweg must be removed”. (Source: Josh Collinsworth)

September 28, 2024

Theo (aka t3.gg) does an in-person interview with Matt Mullenweg, which was initiated by Matt. (Source: YouTube)

September 30, 2024

Alda Vigdís Skarphéðinsdóttir writes “My strange experiences with Automattic: Part 3”. (Source: Alda Vigdís)

October 1, 2024

WP Engine is being blocked again by WordPress.org, it appears however, that WP Engine has successfully implemented a workaround. (Source: WP Engine)

CEO of Cloudflare offers to host WordPress.org for free. (Source: Twitter)

October 2, 2024

WP Engine files a lawsuit against Automattic as a company and Matt Mullenweg as an individual. (Source: WP Engine / Hacker News)

Automattic makes employees who don’t align with Matt Mullenweg’s vision a buyout offer of $30k or 6 months salary, whichever is higher. (Source: Twitter / Matt)

Drupal’s founder and project lead Dries Buytaert writes: “Solving the Maker-Taker problem”. (Source: Dries)

October 3, 2024

Automattic publishes a brief response to the lawsuit denying everything. (Source: Automattic)

159 employees (8.4% of the ~1700 employees) have take up the buyout and left Automattic. (Source: Twitter / Matt / TechCrunch)

Executive Director Josepha Haden leaves Automattic. (Source: Josepha / Twitter)

Matt Mullenweg states: “Automattic employs ~100 people that work full-time on WordPress.org. I can appoint them into positions on WordPress.org, if I think that’s appropriate.”. (Source: Hacker News)

Former Automattic employee was threated with legal action for talking about the buyout deal online. (Source: Medium)

October 4, 2024

Jeffrey Zeldman writes “I stayed.”. Zeldman is part of Automattic’s advisory board. (Source: Zeldman / Twitter)

Naoko Takano writes: “Leaving Automattic”. (Source: Naoko)

October 5, 2024

Matt Mullenweg asks for alternatives to ACF, mockingly hinting that many people will soon be looking for an alternative. (Source: Twitter)

Automattic discloses a vulnerability in ACF, but announces it publicly in violation of Intigriti’s Code of Conduct. (Source: Twitter)

Matt Mullenweg joins an Automattic alumni Slack instance and offers to pay for Slack. Whether this is to gain access to the Slack history or out pure altruistic motives, is left as an exercise to the reader. (Source: Twitter)

October 6, 2024

Interesting perspective on trademark law by a lawyer. (Source: WP and Legal Stuff)

Kaelon writes “I exit Founders for a living.” highlighting tendencies he has seen with many founders over the years. (Source: Twitter)

October 7, 2024

Automattic publishes the term sheet provided to WP Engine and a timeline of the trademark discussion leading up to WordCamp US this year. (Source: Automattic / Automattic)

WPGraphQL developer Jason Bahl moves from WP Engine to Automattic and the plugin becomes a canonical plugin. (Source: WPGraphQL)

October 8, 2024

Mary Hubbard (re)joins Automattic as Executive Director of WordPress.org. (Source: WordPress / Twitter)

David Heinemeier Hansson writes “Automattic is doing open source dirty”. (Source: Hey)

AspirePress publishes “A vision for AspirePress and a community-run .org mirror” (Source: AspirePress)

October 9, 2024

The WordPress.org login page was changed to require an acknowledgement, that you’re not affiliated with WP Engine. A link titled “WP Engine has filed a massive lawsuit” was briefly shown, but has since been removed. (Source: Reddit / Imgur / Twitter / Twitter)

People are getting banned from the WordPress Slack, for questioning the added login checkbox. (Source: Twitter)

Megan writes “Leaving WordPress (.org or WPF, still unsure which one)”. (Source: Megabyterose)

October 10, 2024

Matt Mullenweg writes “Forking is Beautiful”, mentioning FreeWP, which doesn’t actually see itself as WordPress fork. (Source: WordPress / FreeWP / Twitter)

October 11, 2024

WordCamp (WordPress conferences) tickets can newly only be purchased by having a WordPress.org account. (Source: Twitter)

Javier Casares who is deeply connected in the WordPress community decided to stop his volunteering work for WordPress in some capacity. (Source: Twitter)

October 12, 2024

WordPress changes the ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) plugin directory entry and renames the plugin to SCF (Secure Custom Fields), of course without permission from WP Engine. (Source: Twitter / ACF / The Verge)

Core contributor Scott Kingsley Clark terminates his core contributions and involvement with the WordPress project. (GitHub / Twitter)

October 13, 2024

David Heinemeier Hansson writes “Open source royalty and mad kings” (Source: Hey)

WP Fusion sends a cease and desist letter to Automattic over a trademark violation by hosting a plugin on WordPress.com named “WP Fusion Lite”. (Source: Twitter)

October 14, 2024

Matt Mullenweg wrote a pretty harsh response to David Heinemeier Hansons’s posts (see above), only to edit the post later. (Source: Original / Matt)

WP Engine and its employees have been “officially” banned from sponsoring or attending WordCamp Sydney, including certain speakers. (Source: Twitter)

WordPress.org moderators are deleting review comments highlighting the issue on the stolen/forked SCF plugin. (Source: Twitter)

October 15, 2024

According to internal blog posts that were provided to TechCrunch, Automattic is looking into further enforcing the WordPress trademark. (Source: TechCrunch)

Automattic (presumably Matt Mullenweg) is DMing Gergely Orosz asking what they can do for Gergely to trust them again. (Source: Twitter)

Colin Stewart withdraws from all his WordPress contributions until further notice. (Source: GitHub)

Tonya Mark pauses all her contribution to WordPress. (Source: Twitter)

October 17, 2024

Matt Mullenweg makes another buy-out offer for nine months salary payout to anyone who disagrees with the actions against WP Engine. (Source: 404 Media / The Verge)

Other plugin developers, not WP Engine employees, are getting banned from WordPress.org, preventing them to update their plugins. (Source: Twittter)

The German IT magazine Heise has published an in-depth article on the whole drama. (Source: Heise)

Matt Mullenweg promotes WordPress hosting providers as alternative to WP Engine, but only the ones from which he personally or Automattic as a company receive money. (Source: WordPress)

October 18, 2024

WP Engine files a plaintiff to seeking a preliminary injunction against Automattic and Matt Mullenweg. (Source: Twitter, Court Listener, Twitter)

Gergely Orosz writes: “Did Automattic commit open source theft?”. (Source: Pragmatic Engineer)

Sam Suresh leaves the WordPress project. (Source: Twitter)

October 19, 2024

WP Fusion provides more background information on the cease and desist letter and Automattic’s removal of the plugin. (Source: WP Fusion)

WordPress.org updates its Code of Conduct to forbid posting of private messages, which is problematic on multiple levels, given how often Matt Mullenweg has harassed and threatened people in DMs. (Source: WordPress)

October 21, 2024

Core contributor Bjørn Johansen writes “Farewell to the WordPress Community”. (Source: Bjørn Johansen / WordPress)

October 22, 2024

Automattic responds to the plaintiff highlighting (again), that WordPress.org is exclusively Matt Mullenweg’s project and neither Automattic nor the WordPress Foundation have any influence. Additionally, that it’s WP Engine own fault for building their business on top of WordPress.org. (Source: Court Listener / Twitter)

October 23, 2024

WP Engine’s motion to shorten the time for the hearing on the preliminary injunction was granted. The hearing will be on November 24, 2024. (Source: Court Listener / Twitter)

October 25, 2024

The WordPress drama reaches mainstream news. The BBC writes “‘I can’t run a business like this’: Why the WordPress row matters”. (Source: BBC)

October 26, 2024

Core contributor Andy Fragen writes “WordPress on Hiatus”. (Source The Fragens)

October 27, 2024

The “WordCamp Community Team” demands the deletion of social media posts by certain WordCamp accounts and the handing over of login credentials to said accounts. (Source: Twitter / The Register)

October 28, 2024

Buying tickets for WordCamp Asia requires a WordPress.org login, which account verification can take a few hours up to a couple of days. (Source: WordCamp / Reddit)

Chris Wiegman writes “So Long WordPress”. (Source: Chris Wiegman)

Matt Mullenweg threatens to take over the WordPress.org space of another, non-WP Engine plugin “Paid Membership Pro” after the plugin decided to leave the WordPress.org platform for its distribution. (Source: Paid Membership Pro / Twitter)

October 29, 2024

Carrie Dils writes: “I love the WordPress community. I am deeply saddened by the actions of Matt Mullenweg and, as of October 2024, will no longer contribute my time to The Project as a volunteer.” (Source: Twitter / WordPress)

October 30, 2024

John O’Nolan, former core contributor and founder of Ghost, writes “Democratising publishing”. (Source: John O’Nolan)

Matt Mullenweg appears on TechCrunch Disrupt 2024. (Source: YouTube / TechCrunch)

Automattic files a motion to dismiss “the Counts 1-6 and 9-11 of the Complaint”. (Source: Court Listener / The Verge)

Matt Mullenweg files a declaration in support of the Automattic motion to strike and oppose the preliminary junction, in which Matt Mullenweg repeats a lot of the action he has taken in the past weeks from his perspective. (Source: Court Listener)

October 31, 2024

CIO publishes an article “As the WordPress saga continues, CIOs need to figure out what it might mean for all open source”. (Source: CIO)

November 1, 2024

Automattic files an overlength motion to shorten the time for the hearing of their motion to dismiss. (Source: Court Listener / Bluesky)

November 4, 2024

WP Engine publishes a response and support for its motion for preliminary injunction addressing contradictions by Matt Mullenweg and misleading or false claims. (Source: Court Listener)

November 5, 2024

WP Engine publishes three documents as Declaration in Support of its motion for preliminary injunction. One addressing the communication and understanding of the ownership of WordPress.org. One mentioning that video copies and transcripts of the TechCrunch talk and the interview with Theo has been made. And one addressing the whole debacle surrounding the ACF plugin. (Source: Court Listener / Court Listener / Court Listener)

November 7, 2024

Automattic launched a site to track for sites leaving WP Engine. (Source: WP Engine Tracker / The Verge)

The tracker site in turn launched some questions around privacy and data collection, which lead to the publishing of a new privacy plugin. (Source: Twitter / Twitter / GitHub)

November 8, 2024

The Repository writes “Core Contributors Voice Concerns Over Mullenweg’s Control and “Culture of Fear” in WordPress Community”. (Source: The Repository)

November 14, 2024

WP Engine files an Amended Complaint that compiles the content from all the other motions in one massive 144 pages document. It’s a pretty detailed summary of everything that has happened in the past weeks. (Source: Court Listener)

November 15, 2024

Automattic’s motions to dismiss, strike and shorten time for the briefing and hearing were denied as moot. (Source: Court Listener)

November 18, 2024

Matt Mullenweg appears in a Fireside Chat at Nerdearla. (Source: YouTube / Reddit)

November 19, 2024

Yet another plugin, PeepSo, is leaving WordPress.org as plugin distribution platform. (Source: PeepSo / Reddit)

The US Patent and Trademark Office grants WP Engine the trademark for ACF. The one for “Advanced Custom Fields” is still pending. (Source: USPTO / USPTO)

November 21, 2024

Automattic and Matt Mullenweg file a surreply in opposition to motion for preliminary injunction, claiming that the quoted statements from Matt Mullenweg’s interview were out of context and some legal thing around extortion that goes over my head. (Source: Court Listener)

November 22, 2024

Matt Mullenweg & Automattic’s filings from the 21st have been denied. (Source: Court Listener)

November 23, 2024

Automattic releases the “Pro” version of the nulled (as in banned from WordPress.org and stolen the slug) ACF plugin for free under their SCF disguise. It also violates other rules from the official Plugin Handbook. (Source: Reddit / Twitter / Twitter / Twitter / The Repository)

November 24, 2024

Lead developer of BuddyPress Mathieu Viet stops using WordPress altogether. (Source: imathi / Bluesky)

November 26, 2024

The preliminary injunction hearing was held and live streamed via Zoom. It primarily addressed the extortion topic and the irreparable harm done by blocking WP Engine. Until Monday WP Engine has to narrow down its complaint to be more specific on a topic, while Matt Mullenweg is barred from saying anything bad about WP Engine. (Source: US Courts / Bluesky / Bluesky / Twitch)

The Delta has a full, unofficial transcript of the preliminary injunction. (Source: The Delta)

November 29, 2024

Automattic publishes a joint stipulation and a “proposed order for extension of time to respond to amended complaint and to establish associated briefing schedule”. (Source: Court Listener)

December 2, 2024

Judge grants a modified version of the stipulation for extension of time to respond. (Source: Court Listener)

WP Engine has provided a proposal for the preliminary injunction that essentially requires Automattic to remove all the blocking and any bad behavior after that should be filed for directly. (Source: Court Listener)

Automattic provides a heavily weakened counter proposal for the preliminary injunction. (Source: Court Listener)

December 10, 2024

Hendrik Luehrsen writes “WordPress isn’t WordPress anymore”. (Source: KrautPress)

Judge orders in favor and with the full list of actions for the preliminary injunction. (Source: Court Listener)

December 11, 2024

Matt Mullenweg (rage) quits a community Slack (not the WordPress.org Slack). (Source: 404 Media, Twitter)

Terence Eden writes “Is WordPress.org GDPR compliant?” (Source: Terence Eden’s Blog)

WordPress Community Team pressures WordCamp sponsors in changing their use of WordPress. (Source: Twitter)

December 13, 2024

An open letter from contributors in the WordPress community is published. (Source: The Repository)

December 14, 2024

Matt Mullenweg complains publicly about the preliminary injunction and claims to have fully complied to the order. (Source: Twitter)

December 16, 2024

The “pledge” checkbox on the WordPress.org login page hasn’t been removed, but merely got tis text replaced to “Pineapple is delicious on pizza” and is still a required checkbox. (Source: Trac, 404 Media)

December 18, 2024

Automattic files for Alternative Dispute Resolution. (Source: Court Listener)

December 19, 2024

Inc. publishes an article titled “Is Matt Mullenweg the Mad King of WordPress?”. (Source: Inc.)

Automattic and Matt Mullenweg submit a motion to dismiss and strike the amended complaints. It seems to argue on a lot of legal technicalities. (Source: Court Listener)

December 20, 2024

Ryan McCue writes “On Contribution” and soon after is banned from WordPress.org. (Source: Ryan McCue / Twitter)

WordPress.org suspends new sign ups and “pauses” reviewing of new plugins and themes. This prevents ticket purchases for WordCamp EU as it requires a WordPress.org account and new users cannot register. (Source: WordPress.org / Twitter)

Joost de Valk writes “A vision for a new WordPress era”. (Source: Joost)

December 25, 2024

Matt Mullenweg posts on Reddit “What drama should I create in 2025?” on Christmas day. (Source: Reddit)

January 8, 2025

Patchstack, who has been very involved in making the WordPress world a safer one, has been rejected from sponsoring WordCamp Europe for lack of not enough contributions. Also writing “sponsoring WordCamps is a privilege”. They have since sponsered an alternative event planned in the evenings of WCEU called Alt Ctrl Org. (Source: Twitter / Twitter / Alt Ctrl Org)

Matt Mullenweg joins a channel on the WordPress #sustainability Slack to immediately archive it, while claiming he just learned about it, which isn’t true, since he was on stage when it was announced and there’s a blog post about it on his personal website (i.e. WordPress.org). (Source: Twitter / Twitter / Twitter / YouTube / WordPress.org)

January 9, 2025

Automattic writes that they’re reducing WordPress contributions and blame WP Engine as well as the “community” (quotations added by Automattic, i.e. Matt Mullenweg). (Source: Automattic)

January 10, 2025

In a Hacker News discussion about Automattic’s announcement, Matt Mullenweg states that he controls 84% of Automattic’s stocks and that they have a long runway, contradicting the announcement. (Source: Hacker News / Twitter)

Gavin Anderegg writes “WordPress is in trouble”. (Source: Anderegg)

January 11, 2025

Matt Mullenweg writes a very petty post on WordPress.org about rumors around a WordPress fork and subsequently bans well respected community members from WordPress.org, but also such who haven’t been involved with WordPress for multiple years. Likely triggered by Karim Marucchi post “Breaking the Status Quo: A Vision For a New WordPress Business Roadmap”. (Source: WordPress.org / Twitter / Marucchi)

Roger Montti writes “Automattic Turns Against WordPress Community Itself”. (Source: Search Engine Journal)

January 12, 2025

Heather Burns writes “Another day of stochastic harassment for old time’s sake”. (Source: Heather Burns)

January 13, 2025

Michael Willman files a motion to intervene after having been banned from the Make WordPress Slack server while being associated with WP Engine, which has lost him/his company a contract. (Source: Court Listener)

Will be updated, as the drama continues…

Other Timelines

Alternative Efforts

Personal Comments

Written on October 8, 2024

I’m deeply saddened to see a such a well-known open source project being destroyed from the inside out and that by the founder and BDFL of the project.

Separation of Concerns

The reason this could escalate as it has, is because of Matt Mullenweg being at the center of all of WordPress. He’s the BDFL of the open source project. He personally owns WordPress.org. He’s the main board member of the WordPress Foundation. He’s the CEO of Automattic, which owns WordPress.com and has an exclusive right to the WordPress trademark.

It might have played out differently, if Matt would have been able to clearly separate the different roles and entities. Misappropriating WordPress.org resources for Automattic and his personal gain to slander against WP Engine. At the same time using ~100 employees of Automattic to maintain WordPress.org, which should be an independent platform for the open source project and not an extension of Automattic. And then “donating” the trademark of WordPress to the WordPress Foundation, while on the same day giving Automattic the exclusive right to the trademark, essentially nullifying the whole point of moving the trademark in the first place.

Matt Mullenweg has fully blurred the lines between WordPress.org, the open source project, Automattic, and the foundation.

Open Source & Investors

I have previously written about FOSS & Funding and remain convinced of my position with regards to that topic. If you pick a permissive license, one that specifically allows the free use and distribution, one that doesn’t make any demands beyond publishing any modifications, then you have no grounds whatsoever to demand payment or contributions to the project. It doesn’t matter at all, how much other companies and other projects have been giving back and been contributing. The open source project profits from the permissive license. It attracts people and receives contributions, because people know that their work will remain free and accessible, and thus the project becomes more popular. More popular projects are picked up by commercial entities, who will likely make money from using the software.

You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

This doesn’t mean, that I’m all for private equity companies, which hollow out existing products and leech off of free stuff. I’m fully onboard that this is an ethical topic and that companies should invest and payback for all of the free software they’re profiting from. However, there’s a big gap between what one “should do” and what one “has to do” and it seems to me, that a lot of people are somehow unable to keep the two separated.

Trademark Issue

Matt Mullenweg and Automattic take the alleged trademark violation as the primary focus in this whole drama. Seeing the attacks by Matt Mullenweg towards WP Engine and reading about how the trademark was celebratorily moved to the foundation and very quietly moved back to Automattic the same day, it feels like the trademark issue is much more a front than anything else.

There are hundreds or thousands of tiny to large companies that provide WordPress hosting, plugin development or consulting around WordPress. A lot of them use “WP” in their name, because the trademark had always explicitly allowed for that. Most of them will also use “WordPress” in various ways, to highlight their offered services. Yet, WP Engine should somehow be the only company in the world, in violation of the WordPress trademark?

Going after a single company with 8% revenue demands on the basis of trademark, after Automattic themselves had been an investor of WP Engine for many years, having not enforced the trademark claims for many, many year, having gotten new trademarks just months earlier, and targeting your (likely) biggest competitor, smells really bad.

Of course I’m not a lawyer, but if Matt Mullenweg had strong legal grounds for the trademark issue on its own, he wouldn’t had to go and drag WP Engine through the dirt online. A simple cease and desist letter with escalation to court should’ve then been the first and only steps to take. Personally, I think Matt knows that his trademark claims have no, to little merit and thus tried to extort WP Engine, then force them in a public slander campaign, but in doing so lost a lot of trust and support.

This whole topic is clearly not just about trademarks, but a way to hurt the competition and likely some personal grudges that Matt holds.

Reflecting on my BDFL Role for SFML

The WordPress drama has given me a lot of pause, given my own BDFL role for SFML. How can I ensure that SFML succeeds, even if I turn “evil” or grow distant from the community?

Laurent, the author of SFML, has managed to find successors by giving power to the community members, who wanted to see change, and then slowly over time, he let others sit in the driver seat. It seems to me that this is the way to go, once you notice a certain resistance from the community and realize that you’re the person in the way. It’s certainly not an easy step, since you give up part of your own creation and have the risk of others butchering your baby.

At the same time, I also see that SFML is a lot different than WordPress. We don’t have commercial entities that build and maintain SFML, but it’s currently all done in our free time and with lots of contributions from the community. As such there isn’t a conflict of interest to begin with.

I have planned to go over all they “keys” to all the “castles” I currently hold and ensure, that I’m not the only holder of those keys. This doesn’t just help with reducing the risk of “evil me” taking over, but would also help in case something ever happen to me.

Positive Outcomes

I believe that we as an open source community can learn from this situation and hope that we can use it in positive ways to better our own (niche) ecosystems.

I’d like to see repository projects like WordPress.org to make themselves redundant in both meanings of the word. Providing options so others can host their own repositories and distributing the load and governance.

Seeing other, more modern projects getting new traffic, both in contributions and user base, is a good thing, as more competition generally leads to better products, for both developers and customers.

Finally, there is still a glimmer of hope, that Matt Mullenweg realizes, that he’s in the way and finally sets up a proper governance structure for WordPress and WordPress.org.

12 thoughts on “Timeline of the WordPress Drama

  1. Thanks for the summary. Was not aware of this fight. Had so far always a good impression of Matt when I read one of his yearly messages or when he gave a talk.
    Still not sure what started his (what seems to be) personal war.

    1. It’s indeed quite an interesting read! I believe WordPress has to first solve other governance issues, before such a credit system can become effective.

  2. I think this rhetoric is biased. It’s naive to suggest to your readers that this began with extortion-style messages and slander. I suspect something was occurring long before that, and the WordPress Foundation, most likely, could not defend itself in the courts until something significant was revealed. 

    Trademark is most likely the best method in which to address WP Engine and Silver Lake through the courts.

    Mr Matt Mullenweg has the right to defend the WordPress Foundation as one of the caretakers of its trademark. He certainly has the right to defend himself, say stuff and even retract it if he has responded to something out of hurt to anyone who is more than happy to slander him and his work.

    As far as I can ascertain, it has been his life’s work since he first made WordPress what it was in 2003, and I’m sure he will continue by putting in the most hours to the WordPress Core after they have dealt with WP Engine and Silver Lake.

    You imply that his commercial arm is unfairly benefiting from the WordPress foundation and trademark. To me, it looks like a person who has worked all their life, developed good software, made his money, and paid his taxes, employs thousands of staff who all pay their taxes, and who also contribute to the very platform that you use for free. 

    1. I don’t claim to be bias-free. I chose language that is portraying what has been happening in the public, while staying true to the facts as much as possible and I deem necessary.

      What has happened before everything has started is only tangential public information and generally just presented by Matt Mullenweg, which is most certainly biased. How much of the trademark discuss happened before and what went down with the interviewing etc. is something for the courts.

      The (public) drama itself started with the WordCamp talk, the C&D letters, the there revealed messaging and the public messaging. I believe it’s fair to take this as a starting point, especially for a tl;dr. I don’t claim that it’s a fair/unbiased starting point from Matt Mullenweg/Automattic’s perspective.

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