TIL: Long Paths on Windows

It’s one of those issues, that when you run into it, you ask yourself, how this is still a thing in insert current year? How can Windows in 2024 still have problems dealing with file paths longer than 260 characters? …well actually 256 where three characters are taken up by the driver letter (e.g. C:\) […]

Analyze Build Time with MSBuild Log Viewer

Once your Visual Studio solution starts growing, it often ends up integrating some maybe less than standard ways to do something. For example you introduce some custom MSBuild steps, output multiple projects to the same directory, or have things like WiX projects in your solution. Understanding what is actually going on when you build the […]

Clean Reinstall of MySQL on Ubuntu

Recently, I came back to an existing WSL2 installation of MySQL, which unfortunately failed to start the mysql service (“MySQL has been frozen to prevent damage to your system.”). As I didn’t need any of the data, that I potentially used in the past, I decided to do a clean reinstallation of mysql-server, which turned […]

TIL: Git Commit Reordering

I’m a strong proponent for rebase workflows with Git – it just makes so much more sense to me, having the history be based on the latest changes, rather than interweaving the changes with back merges. Okay, but that’s a topic for another time, here’s what new thing I just found out about git rebase: […]

Diagnosing VSTest Crashes

The other week I got to spend a few hours trying to figure out, why some of our tests would silently crash the VSTest test host with no error message, log statement, and no Windows event log entry. All I got was: The active test run was aborted. Reason: Test host process crashed This then […]