TileMapCreator – Update 02

Nearly two month have passed since the last update on the TileMapCreator and I kind of feel bad about it. For my excuse I’m studying for my upcoming big exam.

Last time I was talking about the grid and how I want it to improve; I’ve spend quite some time thinking and trying out things, but haven’t gotten the best solution implemented yet. In addition I’ve looked more into how to use Git and opened a new project over at GitHub, check it out:

TileMapCreator on GitHub

If you clone the repository you’ll need SFML, SFGUI and Thor and you’ll have to create a make or project file on your own. Once I get the time I’ll dig deeper into the whole CMake thingy, you’ll be able to just use CMake to build TMC.
So if you’d indeed get it to compile and run you will only see the GUI, that’s because I’m in the process of refactoring everything and getting more into TDD (Test Driven Development), which means I’ve removed the grid temporarily, added a separated GUI class and implemented different tests. Since the last push this evening I’ve already decided to split the GUI class again into two classes and put them into their own namespace.

So how does the future look like? I decided to first concentrate more on the GUI and loading tiles into the GUI, rather than playing around with a grid that is just somehow plugged into the project but doesn’t connect with the other parts and probably needs to get rewritten later to fit with them…

That sums it up for now! If you want to keep a close look at the project make sure to watch the GitHub project!

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