Convert EPS to SVG – Cisco Icons for yEd

I wasted like one or two hours on this and thought, I’d make a quick post, so others don’t have to waste their time in the future.

Convert EPS to SVG

If you just want to convert some EPS files to an SVG file, all you need is Inkscape and then use the following command to do the magic:

inkscape input-file.eps --export-plain-svg=output-file.svg

If you have a bunch of these files you can use the following command on Windows to convert them in one batch:

for %%f in (*.eps) do inkscape "%%f" --export-plain-svg="%%f.svg"

Of course Inkscape supports a lot more formats with a lot more options, just use the help flag to get the full list.

Cisco Icons for yEd

I originally ran into the problem, because I wanted to use the “standard” Cisco icons for a network diagram in yEd, an awesome and free graph editor. While googling I ran into this post which provides a set of Cisco icons for yEd, but the huge color difference between the icons just wasn’t acceptable (light blue vs “Cisco” blue). So I thought to create my own set and found myself converting the EPS from Cisco’s official Network Topology Icons page. I then converted them as described above, imported them into yEd and exported the full set for you to enjoy. There’s still some color difference, but less extreme. Since a lot of the icons are rather useless – or do you use some space router at home? – I’ve selected a few of the icons which seemed most useful to me and created a separate package. Note: The converted SVG files ares included.

Cisco Icons SVG + GraphML [394 KiB]
Cisco Icons (Selected) SVG + GraphML [41.7 KiB]

See this article on how to import the icons into yEd.

4 thoughts on “Convert EPS to SVG – Cisco Icons for yEd

  1. Hello eXpl0it3r,

    Some time ago I had the same problem. No good Cisco icons for yEd.

    I found a similar method to convert them to SVG, but then noted a large difference in blue tones in original Cisco Icons. As SVG is quite simple to modify, I ran a script to standarize blue tones. Then manually fine tune some of the icons, rename some… and replicated them in different colors.

    The resulting icons are included in one of my projects, you may like them:

    If you are really into Cisco and Yed, you may like too:



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