I finally got around to rewrite my build scripts again. But first let’s see what has happened in the past. As my notebook got stolen a few month back, I’ve lost the original scripts. Then I tried to write a “smarter” and more “modular” system, which ended up being just another mess after all and […]
SFML News – Week 12-13 (2013)
Projects Updates on the Nightly Builds My SFML Nightly Builds were quite a few commits behind last week, mainly because I wanted to keep the matching SFML version for Thor and thought I could get the automated building system to work with Thor. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to do so in time and thus I […]
SFML News – Week 11 (2013)
Although I probably shouldn’t start again with something new and rather try to get more of those computer science articles ready, I still had this funny idea of releasing ‘news’ articles on what has been happening in the SFML community. I’ll try to release weekly articles, but I don’t promise anything and I don’t even […]
Recursive Algorithm
Now that we’ve looked at what an algorithm is, we can go a bit deeper and take on one of the most common section of algorithms: Recursion Recursive algorithms are actually quite easy to understand and we often use it intuitively in our daily life. Recursion only means, that a function calls itself. To illustrate […]
What Are Algorithms?
Although I guess most of you know exactly what an algorithm is, I felt anyways that I needed to give a small definition, before I’ll be able to cover specific (types) of algorithms. When dealing with problems in computer science one generally looks at the ‘theory’ behind solving the problem and the actual implementation separately. […]
Website Update & Announcement
If you’re reading this on the actual blog website and not through RSS or similar, then you might have already noticed, that I’ve changed the WordPress design. Although I really liked the old one, it has some troubles with the titles and lacked a clean separation between the posts. The current theme ‘Emire’ hasn’t been […]
Personal SFML Website Updated
A bit late, but better late than never: Happy New Year to everyone! So the past few days I’ve been working on a new front- and back-end for my small personal website, targeted towards anything related to SFML. Active SFML developers and/or SFML forum readers might already know that I’ve been providing SFML Nightly Builds […]
yEd – A Simple and Nice Diagram Tool
How often do you find yourself, trying to put some information graphically into sense, but fail to do, because the software you’re using isn’t really nice to use? Maybe you’ve never experienced that or have never needed to do so, but I have on multiple occasion and it has never been fun. Being a fan […]
SFMLUploads.org – Relaunch
So I’ve taken ownership of the project SFMLUploads.org which is basically a file and image hoster made specially for developers who are using the SFMLibrary. Below you’ll find the announcement text I wrote for the official SFML forum. After quite a few ups and even more downs SFMLUploads is finally back online! SFMLUploads.org was originally […]
The Disappointment From Microsoft: Visual Studio 2012
With the announcement on the 1th of August for Visual Studio 2012‘s final build shouldn’t I as developer with Visual Studio be thrilled rather than disappointed? Yes the new version brings quite a lot of new and/or improved features, but it seems like Microsoft has lost their focus on what should really matter. I guess […]