Once your Visual Studio solution starts growing, it often ends up integrating some maybe less than standard ways to do something. For example you introduce some custom MSBuild steps, output multiple projects to the same directory, or have things like WiX projects in your solution. Understanding what is actually going on when you build the […]
Tag: Visual Studio
Error Handling with MSBuild’s Exec Task
A good old fashioned RTFM would have probably saved me a bunch of time the other week, while playing around with MSBuild’s <Exec … /> task. In order for future me or anyone else randomly stumbling up on my blog, to not have to succumb to the same fate, let me share a few tips […]
TIL: CPM, Clang & iOS on Windows
In this Today I Learned (TIL) format, I want to very briefly share things I’ve come across and learned from today. CMake Package Manager Someone on the SFML Discord was trying to get SFML to play nice with their CMake script which uses CMake Package Manager (CPM). CPM is not a built-in functionality or officially […]
Visual Studio Tip: Save Layouts
When working a lot with Visual Studio, you’ll run into the issue of managing your windows properly. You may spend quite some time figuring out the perfect layout, only to have Visual Studio randomly move a window around again, when you have to restart Visual Studio. Or you keep rearranging your windows depending on what […]
The Disappointment From Microsoft: Visual Studio 2012
With the announcement on the 1th of August for Visual Studio 2012‘s final build shouldn’t I as developer with Visual Studio be thrilled rather than disappointed? Yes the new version brings quite a lot of new and/or improved features, but it seems like Microsoft has lost their focus on what should really matter. I guess […]