SFML Game Development – A Book on SFML

I should’ve posted about this long time ago, but better late than never. A few month ago the publisher Packt Publishing contacted Laurent, the creator of SFML, and at the same time Groogy, a relatively active member of the community who also wrote the SFML Ruby binding. Packt seems to have noticed the potential of […]

New Nightly Builds

I finally got around to rewrite my build scripts again. But first let’s see what has happened in the past. As my notebook got stolen a few month back, I’ve lost the original scripts. Then I tried to write a “smarter” and more “modular” system, which ended up being just another mess after all and […]

Using sf::View

I’ve been using SFML now for more than a year but I never really understood how sf::View really works, until now. So I feel like sharing this enlightenment and I’ll also create a tutorial in the wiki section on GitHub. What can a sf::View do? This question is not that complicated to answer and I […]

Tutorial: How To Change Your Cursor?

I’ve just published my first tutorial with SFML, okay it’s actually not fully my tutorial since I’ve partially rewritten one from the old section, but expanded it with in my opinion a better solution.Although you can find the tutorial on the wiki site of SFML, I post it here again. How to change your cursor? […]

TileMapCreator – Update 01

As promised here comes a small update on the TileMapCreator; screenshot first: So this must seem disappointing, nothing really changed, except maybe the gray square on the grid. But then again I’ll have to remind you that TMC is far from being useable and the biggest changes will happen in the codebase which then again […]

TileMapCreator – A GUI Tool

Whenever you’re thinking about creating a tile based game you end up with some hackish format for loading tiles. There’s no good way to edit the format and if you forget which number represents which image you’re lost. Although I’ve never really come close to a functioning tile based game, I often failed at the […]