What I’ve Been Up To

Where are the SFML News? Where are the Nightlybuilds? Where is eXpl0it3r? Those or other question might some have asked themselves or even me. Of course all the awesome people at the SFML IRC channel know that I never left. There have been quite a few changes in my personal life as well as in […]

SFML News – Week 29-30 (2013)

So I couldn’t cover all the projects from last week, thus I’ll mention a few old ones as well. Projects Cloud Wars We’ve seen the first screenshots of Cloud Wars, a space tactical game in the spirit of Battleships Forever, but with significant RPG elements, over a year ago and if there would’ve been an […]

New Nightly Builds

I finally got around to rewrite my build scripts again. But first let’s see what has happened in the past. As my notebook got stolen a few month back, I’ve lost the original scripts. Then I tried to write a “smarter” and more “modular” system, which ended up being just another mess after all and […]