For many years I’ve been playing around with various PHP-based content management systems (CMS). From self-made to well-known ones like Drupal, I’ve seen quite a range and yet they all never really could provide enough flexibility for the developer and easy of use for the website maintainer at the same time. I don’t want to […]
Top 5 Podcast I Listen To
It’s interesting how things develop. I remember quite well how my brother used to download and listen to interesting podcasts 10 or so years ago, yet it felt like podcasts lost on popularity over the past years and only now is again gaining some major uplift. There are many YouTubers out there who noticed the […]
Generate a DEF File From a DLL
Last night I spend multiple hours trying to get a non-broken CSFML build ready, which requires to have import libraries for MSVC and GCC that both depend on the same DLL. This works because the import library only points to the symbols that are in the DLL, thus acts as sort of instruction how to […]
When Fitness Tracking Reveal Bases
The other day I stumbled up on a thread in my Twitter feed, where people have located army bases based on fitness tracking heat maps released by Strava. Here’s an example of what the data looks like: Drone base in Djibouti Soldiers running around the perimeter or just a simple patrol? Nice drones!
Rule of Thumb – Linking Order
Those newer to programming in C++ often fail to understand that compilers like GCC or Clang require a specific link order for the libraries in use or they don’t know what order to pick. Working on SFML and helping out in its community, I’ve had the pleasure to help people fix their linker errors many […]
Blocking Ads in Skype and Viber
I’m not a fan of advertisement, be it on a website or in some application. For websites, we have quite a few options by now – I currently use uBlock Origin. But when companies include ads in an application itself, the options to block it, get a bit more complicated.
Theme Update
Every now and then I decide to update my blog’s theme. It’s not that there was anything really wrong with the old theme, but I just like the change from time to time. I think it’s the first time however that the blog is running a bright/white theme instead of the dark one. While I […]
SFML Steam Games – Part 1
At the time when I discovered SFML and started to invest a lot of my free time on the forum and the IRC channel, there were no games made with SFML on Steam. Partially because SFML was less known, but probably more important, because getting on Steam was hard. Only through the now discontinued Steam […]
When VLC Doesn’t Update Anymore
Most of us probably ran into a bug in some application at one point. Sometimes it’s not very obvious, e.g. a random crash, while other times you may know that, if you for example perform certain five steps it will crash. But what do you do when you find an issue? Do you just avoid […]
NightlyBuilds Have Been updated!
Looking at the last news entry on the NightlyBuilds website, it seems like it has nearly been two years since I last update the Nightly Builds. One of the reasons I didn’t bother as much to keep them updated was, because we at SFML now have setup a Continues Integration system which allows anyone […]