2024-12-21 marks the date I had the honor of running git tag 3.0.0 on the SFML repository followed by a git push –tags to make it official. SFML 3 has become a reality! After three years of development, while continuing to fix SFML 2.6 and refocusing many times, we’ve managed to release a new major […]
SFML News – Week 28-52 (2023) & 1-17 (2024)
41 weeks in one SFML News? Well it certainly has been a while and I’ll be painting with big brushes here. SFML 2.6.1 As previously hinted at, we did end up releasing SFML 2.6.1 in November 2023 and have since then accumulated a few more tiny fixes, including just the other day a 13 years […]
SFML News – Week 26-27 (2023)
SFML 2.6.1 Looking at the last three minor releases, it was forseeable, that we would be releasing a patch version for SFML 2.6 some time soon. So far we’ve merged four fixes: The C++11 header issue was found, while getting the Conan package ready, which has since been merged. The OpenGL extension bug, was reported […]
SFML News – Week 20-25 (2023)
SFML 2.6.0 has been released! It’s already been five and a half years since the last release and the changelog does show this. What I’m most proud of however is this: We got 74+ people contributing to this release! It really goes to show that SFML is a community project. While I hope we […]
SFML News – Week 18 & 19 (2023)
SFML Development Update It took a while and a lot of testing efforts on the three big platforms, but setMaximumSize and setMinimumSize have just been merged! I think it’s a great example of how even the seemingly simple features take quite a bit of thinking about the design and knowledge of the lower level […]
SFML Steam Games – Part 8
We’re slowly approaching the 2020’s area of SFML games and got quite a diverse selection. Check out the previous part in case you missed it. Break the Game Remember Kevin? No? Have you not read the second part of the SFML Steam Games series? Break the Game is the sequel or “proper” game to the […]
SFML News – Week 14 & 15 (2023)
SFML Development Updates BDFL Benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) is a title given to a small number of open-source software development leaders, typically project founders who retain the final say in disputes or arguments within the community Wikipedia (ofc) How does the joke go? Put five different architects in a room, if you want five […]
SFML News – Week 12 & 13 (2023)
SFML Development Updates SFML 2.6 The release preparation work is in full swing. The code is effectively frozen and the final update is ready. Most of the required website changes are done, but some points that will take a bit more time, like updating existing tutorials, still need to be implemented. Depending how quickly we’ll […]
SFML Steam Games – Part 7
After platforming and role-playing get ready for some action, relax by mowing some gras or if you hadn’t had enough, do some platforming again. Hyperspace Dogfights This a really cool looking dogfighting game. Use missiles, lasers and other weaponry to fight waves of enemy jets, anti-air missiles and more. It’s quite fun, but I’m really […]
SFML News – Week 10 & 11 (2023)
SFML Development Updates Static Analysis Up until the other week, we had Coverity Scan, a static analysis tool, enabled for SFML, but while this is usually a commercial product, the usability is terrible to the point, where you have to asked, who would spend money to get this?! In addition, we started to get discrepancies […]