FOSS is Free as in Toilet?

It seems like I can’t stop myself from talking about monetization of FOSS projects and the “demands” that developers are making. After a discussion on software licenses or additional terms to licenses the other day on the Fediverse, I came across this currently unavailable blog post by Geoffroy Couprie. FOSS is free as in toilet […]

Whisper.cpp v1.4, Consultancies and Denglish

I wanted to present the next version of WhisperSFML, as previously promised, but while I got a somewhat working continuous audio capture setup with SFML and a little help from ChatGPT, I didn’t manage to put everything together in time. So instead if you want, you can recompile WhisperSFML and make use of the newly […]

Read 30 Books a Year With 30min per Day

A bold statement, but the math checks out, assuming that the average reading speed is around 250 word per minutes (wpm), which is probably a bit high, and the average book length is around 90’000 words per book (wpb), which really depends on what kind of books you’re reading, this gives you: (30min * 360d […]

Black Holes of Information

Over the last decade or so, we’ve witnessed a continued ramp up of the information age. Social media has become the “social” place. These days, YouTube publishes 3.7 million videos a day, that’s 271’000 hours every single day. We’re bombarded with information from all directions day in and day out, so much so, that we […]

Discussions Around log4j and FOSS

Unless you’ve been disconnected from any digital or analog media in the past few days, you must have heard of the zero-day remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability detected in log4j, one of the most popular open source logging library for Java. Not running much or developing any Java application, the most interesting part about this […]

Another Year on Twitter

Last year I wrote about my eight year anniversary on Twitter and how I’ve been using it. Since then another year passed and while my usage hasn’t really changed, there are a few small things I want to talk about. The Dissident I don’t remember how I came across the documentary in the first place, […]

Eight Years on Twitter

Today I got a notification that it’s my 8 year anniversary on Twitter and it made me think back a bit when it all started and how I’ve been using the platform. It all started in 2012… I don’t particularly remember, why I created an account, most likely just trying out what everyone has been […]