After answering the same questions over and over and over and over again especially about compiling and linking, I thought it might be time to write down a few things, that I and maybe others could point to instead of keep repeating ourselves in the future. Given the wideness topic I’ll be writing things down […]
Category: Tooling
Category for posts on various tools
SFML News – Week …-29 (2013)
Although I’ve once wanted to make weekly updates on SFML News, the amount of content go more and more, while my time got less and less, thus I eventually stopped. Since there have been many new posts on various projects in the last few days, I decided to make another quick update and present some […]
yEd – A Simple and Nice Diagram Tool
How often do you find yourself, trying to put some information graphically into sense, but fail to do, because the software you’re using isn’t really nice to use? Maybe you’ve never experienced that or have never needed to do so, but I have on multiple occasion and it has never been fun. Being a fan […]
The Disappointment From Microsoft: Visual Studio 2012
With the announcement on the 1th of August for Visual Studio 2012‘s final build shouldn’t I as developer with Visual Studio be thrilled rather than disappointed? Yes the new version brings quite a lot of new and/or improved features, but it seems like Microsoft has lost their focus on what should really matter. I guess […]
TileMapCreator – Update 02
Nearly two month have passed since the last update on the TileMapCreator and I kind of feel bad about it. For my excuse I’m studying for my upcoming big exam. Last time I was talking about the grid and how I want it to improve; I’ve spend quite some time thinking and trying out things, […]