SFML News – Week 16 & 17 (2023)

SFML Development Update I haven’t invested as much time into SFML development in the past two weeks, which makes it feel like less work was being done, but luckily we have other and even new contributors stepping up, so that feeling is not actually true! Also keep an eye on some very exciting upcoming changes […]

SFML Steam Games – Part 8

We’re slowly approaching the 2020’s area of SFML games and got quite a diverse selection. Check out the previous part in case you missed it. Break the Game Remember Kevin? No? Have you not read the second part of the SFML Steam Games series? Break the Game is the sequel or “proper” game to the […]

Build With Boring Technologies

In my previous Black Holes of Information post I highlighted how “social” platforms can really destroy the searchability, accessibility and longevity of information on the internet in multiple ways. Similarly, if you want to build applications, website, tools for the future, build them with boring, old technologies. The Lindy Effect is a concept that suggests […]

SFML News – Week 14 & 15 (2023)

SFML Development Updates BDFL Benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) is a title given to a small number of open-source software development leaders, typically project founders who retain the final say in disputes or arguments within the community Wikipedia (ofc) How does the joke go? Put five different architects in a room, if you want five […]

Build C# Project with GitHub Actions

Continuous integration (CI) as done with GitHub Actions serves multiple purposes. You get to continuously check that newly integrated code still works correctly and when it comes to cross-platform development, it also allows you to ensure that new code doesn’t just “works on my machine”, but also on platforms you might not even have the […]

SFML News – Week 12 & 13 (2023)

SFML Development Updates SFML 2.6 The release preparation work is in full swing. The code is effectively frozen and the final update is ready. Most of the required website changes are done, but some points that will take a bit more time, like updating existing tutorials, still need to be implemented. Depending how quickly we’ll […]

SQL Server on GitHub Actions

Besides SFML, I’ve also taken on the maintenance of Jobbr, a .NET JobServer developed by some co-workers some time ago. With the help of some more people, we managed to migrate the whole machinery from .NET Framework to .NET 6. At the end of the migration, I went ahead and set up GitHub Actions for […]

SFML Steam Games – Part 7

After platforming and role-playing get ready for some action, relax by mowing some gras or if you hadn’t had enough, do some platforming again. Hyperspace Dogfights This a really cool looking dogfighting game. Use missiles, lasers and other weaponry to fight waves of enemy jets, anti-air missiles and more. It’s quite fun, but I’m really […]