SFML Steam Games – Part 4

To the best of my knowledge, we’re now all caught up on old games and can continue chronologically. As always, if I missed a game that was released earlier, please let me know! Kronos Kronos is a great Action RPG with lots of fighting and spell casting. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with […]

SFML News – Week 4 & 5 (2023)

After the “historic” merge the other week, one might have expected to see SFML 2.6 being released within a week or two, but that’s not what happened so far, so lets have a look. SFML 2.6 Updates Thanks to the CMake SFML Project Template, we should see quite a few people actively using the 2.6.x […]

Do You Know How To Debug?

Yesterday, I came across a fabulous talk by Bryan Cantrill at GOTO 2017 with the topic of “Debugging Under Fire: Keep your Head when systems have Lost their Mind”. It’s a very interesting and entertaining talk, so I highly recommend to watch it in full. I never really heard this simple definition of debugging: Debugging […]

SFML Steam Games – Part 3

As promised, the next installment of SFML Steam Games. While creating a list of all the SFML Steam Games that I know, I realized, that I skipped two older games, so we’ll continue with those first. UnderRail Given SFML’s permissive license we general have no idea who actually uses SFML and so I didn’t know […]

Using Open AI’s Whisper With SFML

Yesterday, I came across whisper.cpp, which is a C/C++ implementation for OpenAI’s Whisper, an open source, automatic speech recognition (ASR) neural network. It’s simple enough to use, beyond the slightly clunky C-like API, and produces great results, of generating text, based on audio data of spoken words, and that without requiring a connection to some […]

The Return of SFML News

Those few people, who’ve been reading my blog for the past nine or more years, may still vaguely remember all the SFML News posts, where I highlighted development changes and featured SFML games from the community. Given the passed time since my last post in 2014, I won’t be able to catch you up on […]

How To Report Bugs Effectively

As software engineer, you will write and receive many bug reports over the years. When bugs are reported with low quality, everyone loses, as the reporter will be asked “annoying” questions, the software engineer has to spend extra time to find out all the details, and overall the eventual fix will be delayed. Here are […]

SFML Steam Games – Part 2

Over the last five and bit years since the first part of this series (which I totally forgot about), we have seen quite a few more games join my list of SFML games on Steam. I’ll keep it chronologically to the best of my knowledge. If you think, I’ve missed a game, please mention it […]