SFML Games – January (2016)

Due to exams I had been quite busy during January and February and only now came back to look at all the newly created SFML games. However since I don’t really feel like summarizing discussions or important things going on in the community, I didn’t want to make this another SFML News post and thus […]

A look at CLion 1.0

For the development of Synth Guitar my Ludum Dare Compo entry I decided to use JetBrains’ CLion as my IDE. Ever since writing my most popular post about MinGW-w64 and an older EAP version I played around with the thought of trying it out, but never found the right project for it. For a year […]

Ludum Dare Compo #32

Ever since 2012 when I kind of first discovered Ludum Dare, I wanted to fully participate in one of the compo, but for the past two years the dates usually clashed with some other event of mine. However in similar fashion I participated twice in the SFML Game Jam, of which the upcoming 4th as […]

SFML 2.2 Released!

I’ve gotten rather quiet here on this blog, but I’d say it’s a good sign, because that way I could spend more time on helping get SFML where it is now. After nearly one and a half years SFML has finally reached version 2.2! A lot in the SFML source code has changed, though I […]

How To Use MinGW-w64 With CLion

Update 29.09.2014: As pointed out by Anastasia Kazakova in the comments, CLion’s EAP has received an update which added native support for MinGW-w64! In the past few days, I’ve seen CLion mentioned on multiple locations including the SFML forum. CLion is a new IDE developed by JetBrains for CMake based projects, it supports multiple languages […]